Botanical Garden Sao Paulo

Sunday I went to the botanical garden (Jardim Botânico) of Sao Paulo. It is a large and old garden, with everything you expect in a botanical garden. Mostly is a big park with nice ponds en spots to take pictures. It is one of the safer places in Sao Paulo I was told. Sunday morning that meant about as many security guards as people. Something to get used to.

We saw quite a few couples that had pictures taken with baby clothes, something I had not seen before. But it meant I was not the only one with a big camera.

Expecting a baby Expecting a baby

Maybe a new thing to start in the Netherlands too?

The botanical garden is not only a park or garden, but also has some real forest, or reforestation. There were many howler monkeys in the trees. The make a lot of noise.

howler monkey howler monkey

In the trees I also saw a bird that looks and sounds a lot like the european blackbird (merel). This is a yellow-legged thrush (geelpootlijster).

Yellow-legged thrush / geelpootlijster Yellow-legged thrush / geelpootlijster

Rain had been in the forecast for a few days, and finally we got it. Lot’s of it actually for almost an hour. Nothing we could do but wait, with the security guard and a few other people.

Tropical Rain Tropical Rain

When the rain ended, the birds came out again. This is a female Ruby-crowned tanager (Kroontangare).

Ruby-crowned tanager (Kroontangare) Ruby-crowned tanager (Kroontangare)

The Ruddy ground dove (steenduif) is a common dove species. It is a very small species, just a little bit bigger than a sparrow.

ruddy ground dove (steenduif)Ruddy ground dove (steenduif)

The shiny cowbird (glanskoevogel) is a breedingparasite (like the Cuckoo (koekoek)). Here the parent rufous-collared sparrow (Roodkraaggors) is taking care of the feeding.

Shiny cowbird with rufous-collared sparrow Shiny cowbird with rufous-collared sparrow

This social flycatches (roodkruintiran) was kind enough to pose for picture in full glory. You can see the red on the top of his head.

Social Flycatcher (Roodkruintiran) Social Flycatcher (Roodkruintiran)

The rain really did bring the birds out. These rails (rallen) are normally quite shy, but they allowed their picture to be taken.

Slaty-breasted wood rail (Vale Bosral) Slaty-breasted wood rail (Vale Bosral)

Last picture is a common bird in this are, the Brazilian Teal (Amazonetaling).

Brazilian Teal (Amazonetaling)Brazilian Teal (Amazonetaling)
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