Continuing the guided tour with Carlos Henrique … post #3 from that daytrip.
Our next step Carlos was looking for small birds using recorded songs. That gave me nice pictures from the Golden-crowned Warbler (Goudhaanzanger).
But next Carlos became quite excited as he spotted a sleeping common potoo (Grijze reuzennachtzwaluw) on a tree trunk nearby. It was a first for him in all his years of being a birding guide. So despite the name ‘common potoo’, this is not a very common sight. Potoos are night birds, the only change to see them is to find one sleeping.
Another picture from the same bird because it was such a special find.
After the big potoo back to the small birds, a top-view from an Ochre-faced Tody-Flycatcher (Bruinkeelschoffelsnavel). This is a tiny bird, only 9 cm.
The blue manakin (zwaluwstaartmanakin) did not feel like coming out, so his picture is a blurred by the bushes in front of him. In a way that makes it more special I guess.
Time for lunch in a local restaurant before we go to Salesopolis.