Categorie: vogels

  • Ducks in Sweetwater Wetlands Park

    The light today is beautiful. In Tucson they call it cloudy, in the Netherlands we would say it is a sunny day with some thin high clouds. The net result is enough light, and enough dimming from the clouds to get some contrast in the pictures. This light gave me finally the perfect picture from…

  • The Frog and the Heron

    After the Catalina Park I went back to Sweetwater Wetlands, always a sure place to get some good pictures. As I am doing my best on Cinnamon Teals, an old lady asks me: did you see the Heron with the big frog? A black-crowned night heron managed to catch a big frog, but had hard…

  • Catalina Park, Tucson

    After a day with a guide I am on my own again. The first destination is Catalina Park, a park at the foot of the Catalina Mountains / Mount Lemmon on the north side of Tucson. But as a I leave the hotel property an American Kestrel (Amerikaanse torenvalk) is posing, so I need to…

  • Madera Canyon

    Aside from the Santa Rita Lodge there are more Lodge on the road up the Canyon. The next lodge had the nest of a Magnificent Hummingbird in a tree above the road. Quite a nice spot for nest photography. Our next stop was again a the Red-breasted Sapsucker (Roodborstsapspecht), it was still hugging the same…

  • Santa Rita Lodge

    The Santa Rita Lodge is a hikers lodge in the Madera Canyon.  Aside from being a lodge, they also have many bird feeders.  So many that the Lodge became a birding hotspot, the place to see many species that otherwise require a long hike and more luck. It is indeed a very good place for…