Categorie: vogels

  • Sleeping Common Potoo

    Continuing the guided tour with Carlos Henrique … post #3 from that daytrip. Our next step Carlos was looking for small birds using recorded songs. That gave me nice pictures from the Golden-crowned Warbler (Goudhaanzanger). Golden-crowned Warbler (Goudhaanzanger) But next Carlos became quite excited as he spotted a sleeping common potoo (Grijze reuzennachtzwaluw) on a…

  • Birding near Mogi das Cruzes (2)

    Continuing the guided tour with Carlos Henrique our next stop near another field. First a picture of the nest of the Rufous Hornero (Rosse ovenvogel), which looks like an iglo made from mud. You can find the nests in trees, but also on telephone poles next to the road as you can see. Rufous Hornero…

  • Birding near Mogi das Cruzes (1)

    For the Saturday I had booked a guided tour with Carlos Henrique, a guide who is very familiar with the area near São Paulo. He did very well, he picked me up at the hotel at 6am, and dropped me off 12 hours later. Carlos had seen 89 different birds, of which I could remember…

  • Birding in Ibirapuera Park, São Paulo

    My work for IntelliMagic brought me to São Paulo, a new experience. I had never been to Brazil before. Reading about São Paulo it seems all very dangerous. Our hotel was close to the Avenue Paulista, which is the main shopping street. It was also a 40 minute walk from the Ibirapuera Park, a big…

  • Vogelen op Hiddensee (Rügen)

    We zijn met de boot een paar dagen op Hiddensee geweest, een klein toerisch eiland in Rügen. Dat is het noordoosten van Duitsland, deel van het vroegere Oost-Duitsland. Rugen is een leuk eiland, deels toeristisch, maar ook groot genoeg om rustige natuur te hebben. Er zijn broedkolonies van oeverzwaluw en dwergsterns. De oeverzwaluwen zitten aan…